Sunday, September 10, 2006

Genesis 8

Genesis Chapter 8

“The God spoke saying go…” Genesis 8:15

Let’s do some math. Noah was 500 years old when he had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Gen. 5:32). Noah was 600 years old when the ark was complete and the rains came (Gen. 7:6). Noah watched the rain come down for forty days and forty nights (Gen. 7:17). The rain took another 150 days to sink back into the ground (Gen. 8:3). Now let’s consider that all this takes place inside four chapters. Noah was building an ark for over 100 years, and stuck on the ark for 190 days. Why then is it so hard for me to wait on the Lord for just a couple days?

What is funny is our lives are made up of these stretches, in which we wait on a flood. There is the preparation for the flood. I am reading the Word; being grounded for the next test that might come my way. Then there is the flood itself. It is toilsome. It goes for forty days and forty nights, which is the most the human body can take without food and drink (remember Jesus in the desert?). It takes us to the brink, but we hold on to the promises of God. Then, there is that stretch in which you know any day now you are going to hear from the Lord that this season has passed. Could you imagine when Noah sent out that last bird and it never returned the excitement that filled their hearts? How interesting that it would be a dove! We have one of those up on stage on the wall. The dove represents the Holy Spirit, alive in our lives. Clearly Noah was given to the Holy Spirit because see what he does next!

Noah opens up the ark (it was a convertible ) and saw that the ground was dry. Yet it would be another 57 days before he got out! Ever come to the Sheetz gas station during a long car ride. You have two things on your mind, the bathroom and the do-it-yourself milkshake. The car is still moving and you are unbuckled ready to jump out. Then that brilliant moment comes when you bolt from the car convinced in your mind never to return. Yeah, it was like that. However, Noah did not jump out. This is a man of faith. It was the Lord who sealed the door it would be the Lord who told him to go. Noah finally hears those words coupled with a blessed promise, “Go out of the ark…”

The challenge of Noah’s entire life was made up in a few brief words here in chapters 6-8. Noah waited on the Lord and the Lord guided him through the flood. What is happening in your life today? Maybe you feel like it really is not going anywhere. Maybe you feel that your life could be made up in a few brief words such as, “I waited.” I guarantee, the Lord has a glorious journey for you. Even though this world may say your life can be described in a few short sentences, I doubt heaven will. Wait on the Lord, trust in Him, and He will direct your path. Notice that God closed the door for the trial, however, gave Noah the victory of opening it! What a God we serve, now lets open doors of victory by following Him!


Anonymous said...

MAN! That was so encouraging. Noah not only had faith, he had patience! Just this morning my patience was tested by my parents. Considering that Noah had been on the ark for that long, and when he finally was on land, he had to wait 57 MORE days! If I can't even have patience with my parents, what am I going to do when the Lord is testing me? Good things to think about.

Anonymous said...

Shimmy Shake... oh I'm always looking forward to it.

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