Genesis 10
Genealogy chapter…alright! Let’s have some fun. Want to know who your great, great, great, great, grandparents are? Check it out. We will start with Japheth. If you are at all European, you came from Japheth (hey that’s me). Japheth’s children were “Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras (10:2)”
If you are at all British or Irish, well you came from Gomer.
Ever wake up and feel like a Skyth. You come from Magog my German brother.
Madai is your great grandpa if you track your heritage back to
Are you Greek? Then for you it is Javan. Oh Yeah!
Are you Spanish? I know I am. Well, then you come from Meshech.
Are you Asian or Eastern Russian? Then you come from Tiras!
“And the sons of Ham:
If you are Ethiopian, then your greatest grandpa is
If your family tree goes back to Mizraim, then wise up, you’re Egyptian.
Do you think you are form
“The sons of Shem:
Do you like Persian food? Then your chef is probably from
If you are Assyrian, then you are totally from Asshur.
Are you Jewish? Then you are from Arphaxad. Thank goodness I do not have to say that out loud.
Are you Turkish? Then you are Lydian and from Lud.
If you are Syrian like my dad, you come from
Phew! For those of you wondering I did not make all this up. God bless!
I think Hector's from a galaxy far, far away... I do... Really... I'm not even joking.
SWEET! GOMER IS MY uh... Im related to Gomer! He was my favorite because he has such a WICKED AWSOME name!!!!!
Tommy, I am totally with with you on the "Hector's from a Galaxy far, far away" thing! and I AM NOT EVEN JOKING either!!!!!
Yeah, hecter comes from faaaaaaaar away... probably a grandson of Akjurtestkolongadserbchtiam, Noah's fourth son war so far off they didn't mention him in the bible.
I am not realated to any one mentoind in this chapter, I mean no one EVER mentiond anyone Swedish, Italian, or Indian.
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