Genesis 22
Sorry for being late guys:
“And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son (Genesis 22:10).”
In the beginning of Chapter 21 we see one of the happiest moments in the Bible. Here is Abraham and Sarah, waiting their entire life for a promise, and it comes. The moment is summed up in one word, “Isaac,” (Laughter).
How far has Abraham come in his life? We are about to find out. Having received the promise, the laughter, his joy, God asks him to slay Isaac for an offering. First off, Abraham does not procrastinate. He does not think. Instead he “rose early in the morning,” and immediately took off.
Secondly, Abraham had faith. “…and we will come back to you” (22:5). Abraham had perfect faith in God. Interesting that Abraham had received Isaac hardly a man of faith at all. Before Isaac was born Abraham had lied to a couple kings about his wife and had a child with his servant! Abraham had received Isaac because God was faithful. Abraham would now receive Isaac because God is faithful, and had built Abraham up to be faithful himself. I am not saying Abraham was perfect. I am not saying Abraham earned Isaac. It was by grace Isaac came. It would be by faith that Abraham could now receive the fullness of the promise.
Salvation is a moment of pure laughter. It is a moment where grace is so real and so sweet in our lives. Then we continue on our walks and come to trials. When we get over that trial, it is simply amazing. Salvation is how Jesus told us, “I love you.” When we live for Jesus and die to ourselves, we are saying, “Jesus, I love you too.” It is then that we are renewed and realize that we would have never been able to tell Him this had He not died for our sins. What a God we serve. What a life we live. Ever feel like you are on an empty beach of faith? Ever feel like the world is crashing down on you? Ever been asked to get rid of something you love? Will you walk by faith? Either way God is faithful, but why miss out on an opportunity to tell the Lord you love Him.
It is amazing to see just how faithful abraham was to the Lord! I was thinking about it and if I was told to do something like that, I would have totally ignored it!
It would be hard to kill your own son, even if God had told you to do it. It is amazing to think that Abraham had that much faith and that he trusted God that much. I know that I need to practice that faith and trust everyday, not only in God, but with my friends and family.
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