Saturday, November 01, 2008

Psalm 118

The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. This is the LORD's doing, and it is wonderful to see.
(Psalms 118:22-23)

There is a Jewish traditional tale that may be true, or it may be a myth… it goes something like this…

When Solomon’s temple was being built, all of the work was done offsite. Stones were cut, things were prepared, and all of the noisy messy stuff was done far away from the temple mount. When pieces were ready they would be brought to the temple mount and as silently as possible put into place. One day a stone came that didn’t seem to fit with the other stones. No one knew what to do with this stone, so it got shoved to the side and soon forgotten. When the temple was nearly done everyone realized that one majorly important piece was missing… THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE! This was a special stone that would sit at the top of one of the corners, a CAPSTONE. As the builders all frantically looked for this stone, someone eventually found it. It was pushed off to the side, the very stone that no one could find a place for, it had been neglected and rejected, and it was the most important stone of all.

This story, whether true or not, is a shadow of what this Psalm is prophesying. Jesus is the stone that the “builders” (the religious leaders of the day) rejected. He was cast aside, not fitting the picture they had of who Messiah was and what He should be all about. After he was crucified, He rose again and became the MOST IMPORTANT PIECE IN THE “TEMPLE” OF GOD! You see, Jesus is our foundation, he is the chief cornerstone. He is the show piece, the most beautiful thing God could ever give us… yet He was rejected by men, cast off as if He were garbage!

What are you doing with Jesus today? Are you honoring Him as the precious cornerstone of your life, or are you pushing Him away because He doesn’t fit in with your plans??? Think about it… And don’t make the mistake the Pharisees made!

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