Friday, October 31, 2008

Psalm 117

Praise the LORD, all you nations. Praise Him, all you people of the earth. For He loves us with unfailing love; the LORD's faithfulness endures forever. Praise the LORD!
(Psalms 117:1-2)

Do you ever feel like you just don’t want to praise God? Not in the “I feel angry at God” kind of way, but more like “I just don’t really feel up to singing/praying/expressing praises to God right now”. These feelings can be for any number of reasons… maybe you’re sick, maybe you’re tired, maybe you just don’t feel like you’re connected to Him; whatever the reason may be, your response is a complacent “Mehh, maybe later”.

Today’s short little Psalm tells us that no matter who you are, or where you live, you always have at least 2 reasons to praise the Lord. According to these 2 little verses EVERY PERSON ON EARTH has 2 reasons to praise the lord ALL THE TIME.

These 2 reasons are really quite basic, but if we can grasp them then they can be quite revolutionary in the affect they can have on our life and our worship.

Reason #1 – God loves you with an unfailing love. No matter what your current experience may be, this is a fact you can take to the bank. GOD LOVES YOU… And His love isn’t one that changes based on how well you are doing! It is an unfailing love! Now, my love, it is a love that will at some point (probably many points) fail. But God’s love, it NEVER FAILS. So, why should you praise God? Because right now, He loves you more than anyone else in this world ever could; He always has, and He always will!

Reason #2 – God is FOREVER FAITHFUL.
The commitment that God has made to protect you, love you, and serve you will never expire. It isn’t like a warranty or a service plan… it has no lifetime, it is ETERNAL. He will never let you down; he will never leave you hanging. So why should you praise God? Because He is the only person in the entire universe that will take care of you for all eternity!

My friends stop whatever you are doing right now and take some time to PRAISE THE LORD!!!

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