Sunday, November 02, 2008

Psalm 119 - Intro

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the whole Bible. Rather than try and do the whole thing in one sitting, we are going to break it up in pieces. You see, Psalm 119 is what is known as an “acrostic” and it goes through all 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet in order, one stanza for each letter, an each line of a particular stanza starts with the letter it represents.

Just as the layout of the psalm is planned, so is the content. It isn’t random, but is actually very intentional in what it addresses. This beautiful Psalm is all about the WORD OF GOD. It talks about what the Word of God is, what it does, and how we should relate to it. So, over the next 22 days we will be taking a look at this psalm, and getting to know the WORD a little better… What it is, what it does, and how we should relate to it as believers.

So, start reading Psalm 119 now, and let it stir up a deeper hunger in you fro the glorious Word of God!

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