Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Psalm 119:41-48

VAU – The Sixth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

Let your love, GOD, shape my life with salvation, exactly as you promised; Then I'll be able to stand up to mockery because I trusted your Word.
(Psalms 119:41-42)

This is one of the many benefits of knowing, reading, studying, and meditating on the Word of God that we do not often think about. If we are regularly interacting with God’s Word, then we KNOW WHAT IT PROMISES and are able to PRAY ACCORDINGLY.

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people praying for things that ARE NOT IN ACCORDANCE with the Word of God, and then wondering why He didn’t answer the way He thought they would. Just as often, I am sure there are people failing to ask God for certain things, because they are UNAWARE of the promises He gives in regard to them.

Here we see the psalmist give us a powerful example. He asks the Lord to shape His life with the ongoing work of salvation, BY His love, according to His promise. Many of us might think “huh? I thought salvation was all about going to heaven?” Guess what… If we read our bibles more, we would know that SALVATION is something that HAS happened, IS happening, and WILL happen. We HAVE BEEN justified, we ARE BEING sanctified, and we WILL BE glorified.

To put this same thought into my own words it might look like this: “God, thank you for your love for me, and thank you that your Word promises to save me fully. I’m glad salvation isn’t just a past act, but that it is something going on now, and something I can look forward to in the future. I’m so glad you wanna make me more like you, and I can’t wait until that day when I will actually be saved from this sin nature that constantly fights within me. God, please keep working in my life, the way you have promised, keep shaping me into you image by the ongoing work of your love, saving me completely.”

When we can relate to God and His word this way, the second verse I quoted above (vs. 42) can be true in our lives. When we actually trust in God’s Word in real tangible ways, when we pray God’s promises like we really mean it, then the opposition we face in this life will not be able to take us out. The psalmist here says people mocked him and ridiculed him… yet he didn’t fall or falter. Why? Because he trusted in the WORD OF GOD! My friends… trust the Word of God, and you will be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Read it.
Know it.
Believe it.
Live it.
Love it.

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