Sunday, November 16, 2008

Psalm 119:73-80

YODH – The Tenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

You made me; You created me. Now give me the sense to follow Your commands. May all who fear You find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in Your word.
(Psalms 119:73-74)

Here in this little section the psalmist talks about how God MADE him, and continues to care for him in every way, even by DISCIPLINING him! As he talks about this “Womb to Tomb” relationship with the Lord, He points out what a central role the Word plays.

As we look at this section, I want to focus in on the first two verses in particular (vs 73-74). The truth contained in the first verse is universal… God made each and every one of us! The second half of the verse is left up to us. Will we allow the Lord to give US the sense that we need to really FOLLOW HIS COMMANDS?

The Lord’s wisdom often runs contrary to the ways of this world. Often, for us to have the “sense” we need to follow the Lord, we will end up looking at least slightly crazy from the perspective of this world. Self-preservation is the focus of the wisdom of this world, but God’s wisdom teaches self-sacrificial love. Self esteem is a must have for those who operate by this present ages rules, but from God’s perspective, humility is the way up. Truly, we need God’s wisdom to follow His commands… and that means rejecting a lot of what this world calls wisdom.

If we seek the wisdom of the Lord and reject the wisdom of this world, then the second verse can be a true statement of the testimony we will leave: A SOURCE OF JOY FOR THOSE WHO FEAR THE LORD!

The key my friends, is what we find at the close of verse 74… Where is your hope? Is it in the Lord, or is it the things of this world? The decision of where you place your hope will greatly affect the path you take and the mark you make… the choice is yours!

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