Saturday, October 11, 2008

Psalm 108

Psa 108:2 Awake, lute and harp! I will awaken the dawn.

Have you ever watched the sunrise? It can be a beautiful thing. I remember waking up at the beach in Ocean City. It was really early. I walked out to the ocean and simply watched the sun come up. Life is slower for these brief moments. You are watching the beginning of a new day. You are thinking of everything that will happen that day. If you are looking forward to something, it can be very exciting.

Here is David. He has awoken. He is excited about a brand new day. He is excited to spend time with the Lord. Despite that his enemies are at his feet, despite the fact that they are in battle, despite the fact that he finds no help from fellow man, he wakes to a new day excited to see God work. What glorious faith!

It is a new day! Wake the world up. Be excited. Whatever may be happening in your life right now, get excited about what the Lord is going to do. He is worthy to be praised.

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