Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Psalm 115

All you who fear the LORD, trust the LORD! He is your helper and your shield.
(Psalms 115:11)

In this Psalm the Psalmist talks to us all about the difference between the LORD and the idols that men and women create. As he goes on he calls on all Israel to trust the Lord. He asks that all the priests, the descendant of Aaron would fear the Lord. Then, in the verse we will focus on this morning, he tells us that “all who fear the Lord” should trust the Lord. In each one of these instances the writer reminds us that the Lord is both our HELPER and our SHIELD. He is there not only to assist and empower us as a “helper”, but also to PROTECT us as our shield.

This idea of fearing the Lord is one we have talked about before. In the most simple of terms it is the recognition that God is ALL POWERFUL and we are woefully un-powerful. It is the acknowledgement of the fact that before Him, we stand as sinners, and He is utterly holy. This FEAR is simply the natural result of a biblical recognition of who God is and who we are.

Having come to the place of biblical fear of God, an appropriate and reverential respect, we are admonished to trust Him. Now, you might read that and think, “How could you have a real reverential respect for God without first putting faith in Him”? The answer is quite simple. The writer isn’t talking about a one time decision… when the psalmist says trust the Lord; he means keep on trusting the Lord! So, if you fear the Lord today, then take a step back and trust the Lord! Trust Him with the details of your personal life. Trust Him with your fears about what may or may not be going on in our country. Trust Him with your future, trust Him with today, and trust Him with all that you have and all that you are!

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