Monday, October 13, 2008

Psalm 109

Psa 109:27 That they may know that this is Your hand— That You, LORD, have done it!

David speaks some pretty intense words in this Psalm. It may seem like he has a bitter grudge against an individual. We know David to be a man after God's own heart, therefore, why is David so bitter?

I believe our featured verse gives us the answer. Remember when David first heard Goliath. He was angry. He was angry that Israel was allowing this man to put down the name of the Lord. We was not angry because the giant was putting down Israel. David did not get upset because he had some sort of Jewish pride. It was simply because Israel was allowing Goliath to put down the name of the Lord.

David wants justice, and he wants it that God may be glorified. His prayer is intense, however he recognizes that to disrespect the Lord is an intense sin. Those spoken about in this chapter are lying, thieving, men who step on the poor and disrespect the Lord. Their one concern is to bring themselves glory. David therefore prays that their names be blotted out of history.

May the most important thing in our lives be God. May we live that He might be glorified. May the works of our hands be testimony that - GOD HAS DONE IT!

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