Saturday, April 26, 2008

Psalm 49

Psa 49:11 Their inner thought is that their houses will last forever, Their dwelling places to all generations; They call their lands after their own names.

At work we have the radio station set on Soft Rock. The lyrics to these songs are all full of froofy love and seem to imply two things, "our love is different" and "we are going to live forever because of it." Both of these statements are true for the believer. Neither of these statement can be true for the unbeliever.

The world has set up this image that we are all going to live forever, love forever, be forever. This chapter is a beautiful statements to those who trust in riches. You are not going to live forever. You are going to die like every beast that ever was. All your riches will be left here. In the end it will be your soul, before God's throne.

Gang, it is so asy to get caught up in the "riches" game. There will always be one more thing you want, or need, or gotta have. If you ever reach the point of contentment watch as one of these things are taken away. You realize just how fleeting everything is.

The alternative is to store your hopes in eternal things. Think upon the eternal and live for the eternal. We are going to live forever, however before that happens our flesh is going to die. Therefore, are what you sowing today things for the flesh or soul?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! I can't think of anything else to say so I am going to go now.....

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