Thursday, January 04, 2007

Numbers 8

In this chapter we see the Levis preparing for their priestly duty. The first thing they were to do is be purified. This was represented with being washed or sprinkled in water. The picture is pretty clear. Have you ever gotten really dirty? What did you do? You wash yourself, and come out clean. Here are the Levis preparing for duty and the Lord wants them washed. The cool thing about this picture is, they were to be washed (Sprinkled with water), purified, have hands laid on them, and then offer an offering to the Lord.

If you want to present an offering to the Lord today, cleanse yourself. How is this done? You wash yourself in the Word of God. You confess you sins. You allow others to come up beside you and lay hands on you. This involves loads of humility. It involves a lot of vulnerability. To be in a place of serving and offering to the Lord means you are seen by all. What is the reward for doing all this? The reward is the opportunity to present a gift to the Lord.

What is in a gift? I find that love seeks the opportunity to give something to someone rather than the opportunity to get something from someone. Offering is the ultimate show of your love to the Lord. It involves making sure you are clean and ready, and it involves action. Finally, it is a time to give to the Lord, because you love Him.

1 comment:

Kristen Ferrante said...

So more than anything to present the Lord an offering, we need to be right with the Lord and pray for humility!
Great Devo! I was totally encouraged.

P.S. Isn't what you call the Levis actually called the Levites?

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