Friday, January 19, 2007

Numbers 22

The next 3 chapters are about Balaam. His story is one of the most interesting stories we find in scripture! I hope we can really glean some great principles from these chapters, learning some very specific things to avoid as servants of the Lord.

Our story begins with the king of Moab. He is an ungodly man, seeking his own protection. As he observes the children of Israel he begins to become very afraid. He believes that just like oxen will eat up all the grass in a field, the Israelites were going to “eat them” for breakfast. Their numbers were so massive, and they seemed to go with the blessing of God before them. So he calls upon Balaam…

Balaam has a reputation, it is believed that when he blesses someone, they are blessed; and when he curses someone, they are cursed. Almost as if he has some kind of magical powers, they come to him looking for an easy victory of Israel. It looks like Balaam was selling these services, kind of a consultant for the spiritual realm. Moab comes to him with some cash and prizes, and asks one simple thing: CURSE ISRAEL.

Now, God tells Balaam “What are you doing with those shady characters! Get away from them, you won’t go with them!” So Balaam brings word back, and the Moabites return to Balak their king. He sends them with more money and prizes, and Balaam likes it, so he goes before the Lord again. Now, God had already spoken, so Balaam should have just told them, “I don’t have a price, God told me no”. Alas, Balaam seems to care more about money and rewards than anything else, so he asks God again, kind of trying to change God’s mind!

God basically says, “why are you here again!? Now, don’t you go looking for them, if they come up here to get you, then you can go with them.” Balaam ignores God’s counsel, and just goes with them!

We are told at this point in the story that now God is ANGRY at him. So here he goes on his journey, directly disobeying the command of God… NOT A GOOD IDEA! We all know what happens next, an angel of the Lord is waiting to kill him, and the donkey sees it. Wanting to protect its master, it turns off the road and walks into a field. So Balaam in a fit of anger socks the donkey! I can picture it, Balaam jumps off the donkey, gets in its face, yells at it then WHACK!!! Balaam punches it right in the face. He climbs back on the donkey and keeps going. The donkey sees the angel again and turns away again, this time smashing Balaam’s foot against the wall. Balaam socks the donkey again. They go on again and this time the donkey just sits in the road, the angel right in front of them. Now Balaam really loses control, he gets out a stick and just starts cracking the donkey with it!!!

This is where the story gets CRAZY. The donkey looks at Balaam and it TALKS TO HIM! It says, “Look man, what did I ever do to you? Why are you beating the snot out of me like this?” I can say one thing for sure. If a donkey talked to me, I would not do what Balaam does. He is so mad right now because of the way his progress is being impeded that he actually yells back at the donkey! Balaam says, “Stupid donkey, you should be glad I don’t have a sword! If I did I would kill you!!” The donkey then tells Balaam about the angel, and Balaam sees the angel himself. His response now is to fall on his face; he has realized his sin and folly before the Lord.

What can we learn from this? One simple thing… We shouldn’t have a price! We should be so committed to serving the Lord that no matter what the world offers, we won’t bite. Balaam wanted riches and fame. Unlike Moses, he chose the things of this world over the things of God and it almost cost him his life. Be wise, live for Jesus, and look to the ETERNAL REWARD rather than the rewards of this earth.


Anonymous said...

If a donkey, or any other animal talked to me, I would freak out!!!! I would probally fall off the donkey and start to ask him all kind of questions.
PS Why is there no Thursday blog?

Tommy & Hector said...

There is a Thursday blog, it just says Wednesday on it because I posted it on Wednesday night. Today's didn't get posted until this morning, that's why there is no post under a "Thursday" heading.

Anonymous said...

Being a super-hero, I already knew that. I will ask a question, which is hard for me to do, since everyone thinks I know everything, but, is there anyother mention of animals speaking in the Bible?

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