Monday, January 08, 2007

Numbers 12 (Tuesday)

Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all the men on the face of the earth.
(Num 12:3)

In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting scriptures in the Bible. Moses wrote this, inspired by the Holy Spirit… It must have been sort of awkward writing that about himself! Hector says he is the meekest man in all the earth… I told him he’s not. Now, Moses was inspired by the Holy Spirit when he wrote this, so we shouldn’t consider it to be bragging… I think we just need to take it at face value… Moses was Meek!

MEEKNESS should not be confused with WEAKNESS, even though they sound similar. There is nothing weak about being meek. Meekness is all about GREAT STRENGTH UNDER RESTRAINT. Moses didn’t throw his power around, Lording it over the Israelites. Instead he restrained himself, only using His authority as God called him to.

In Matthew 6 we are told “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. The Lord tells us that one of the keys to a HAPPY life (that’s what blessed means, “oh how happy”) is being meek. The world says the road to success is one that only those willing to win at all costs will travel to the end… God’s Word tells a different story. Jesus gave us the example of SERVANTHOOD LEADERSHIP. He led by example, He never asked anyone to do anything He wouldn’t do Himself, and He served others rather than expecting to be waited on. Some people thought this made Him weak… but we know differently. He also used a whip to drive the money changers out of the temple, He withstood the hypocritical religious leaders to their faces, and He even risked being stoned on several occasions just to honor the TRUTH. That doesn’t sound weak to me.

Meek is the new strong. If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be the servant of all. Moses was a true servant… a servant of the Lord and of His people. He didn’t grumble and complain, Instead he humbly trusted the Lord, looking to Him for guidance and direction. To be meek, you must stay pliable. The Hebrew root of the word meekness comes from the idea of melting something… a meek heart is one that has been melted by God. Be strong, be full of courage, stand up for Jesus, and live in MEEKNESS.


Anonymous said...

Could you maby give us a definition of MEEKNESS. Not the dictionary one. :P
Yuo know, tell us what we should do and be when we are meek.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about all of you, I want more than anything to be meak for Jesus

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