Friday, January 19, 2007

Numbers 23

God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken, and shall He not make it good?

(Num 23:19)

Three times in this chapter Balak brings Balaam to different locations, builds altars and has Balaam seek the Lord, asking God to curse the Israelites. Every time the Lord sends back a word of blessing for His children, He loves Israel!

Balak was operating under the faulty assumption that God might change His mind, that maybe a change of scenery or climate would “fix” the situation… but he was so wrong!

God does not change his mind like men do. Circumstances, environment, whatever… all of these things affect the way that humans make their decisions… It is not so with the LORD, He is not like a man, He does not lie and He does not change his mind. (to “change one’s mind” is the definition of repent here)

Balaam should have known better… He should have realized that it wouldn’t make a difference where he was, or what was being sacrificed… the Lord wasn’t going to change His mind. Think about your prayer life for a moment… when you pray are you coming to the Lord the way you would a man, trying to change His opinion about a person, place or thing? Or, are you coming to Him in humility, seeking to discern His heart, and be used by Him to accomplish HIS work? Balaam kept at it because he sought an earthly reward. When we seek a heavenly reward, we can be content with the Lord’s heart, whatever it may be.

Prayer doesn’t change God’s heart… it changes ours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He dosn't change his mind the way i do:

"I love bomberman"

and when I'm losing:

"Dude! This is like, the worst game EVER!"

Remember guys?

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