Saturday, January 27, 2007

Numbers 29

There is a whole lot of sacrifice going on in this chapter! As Moses describes how the feasts where to be celebrated, and what sacrifices should take place on what day, the number of dead animals just starts to pile up. You might wonder, what is the point? Well there were many points to these sacrifices, but the overriding theme is one that I believe is very simple.

When I think about all of these sacrifices, I see a whole lot of work, a whole lot of meat, a whole lot of time, and most importantly, a whole lot of BLOOD. As the people observed these sacrifices being made, they saw blood spilled time and time again. Blood that was meant to pay for their sins! I believe that the Lord wanted to keep the need for the shedding of blood CENTRAL to the minds of the Jewish people. He wanted them to know that it was only through sacrifice that they could have relationship with Him.

As they performed these sacrifices, they were WORSHIPPING the Lord. They lived lives where the worship of God was central to all they did. These feasts helped to ensure that as a collective group of people, they were keeping the Lord at the center.

You might feel like we talk a lot about Jesus and His death and resurrection. You might feel like going to church as often as you do is a lot, or reading your Bible every day is a bit much… But what you are doing in all those things is keeping Jesus at the center. You are being reminded of how your life revolves around Him, reminded that if it was not for His sacrifice you would be without hope.

We need reminders guys. You may think you KNOW the gospel inside and out, but how often do you naturally live according to it? Everyday we should remind ourselves of what Jesus did, of where we stand, and of how we should be living as a result. This is why the Israelites feasts were spent sacrificing loads of livestock… they needed to be reminded what life was really all about.

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