Friday, December 29, 2006

Numbers 1

You might feel like these are hard chapters as you begin Numbers. (the first four are all the numbering of the children of Israel) but hang in there, don't give up! I really believe God has something to say to us in each one of them! Here in chapter one we start with a lesson on the promises of God...

Have you ever wondered if God really keeps His promises, if He really means everything He says? Here in this chapter we have evidence of an amazing promise fulfilled, and my hope is that by looking at it our faith would be increased. Faith is only as good as the object it is placed in. The more we grow to understand just how faithful our God is, the stronger our faith will be!

Way back in Genesis 28:14 God promised Abraham that his descendants would be like the dust of the earth in number. At the end of Jacob’s life, when he traveled into Egypt, his family (the nation of Israel) numbered 70. Now, led out of Egypt by Moses, that same little family ad grown into a huge nation! In a relatively short amount of time they had become an army of 603,550 men over 20, fit for battle! That would the count at nearly 2,000,000 people total! That rate of growth is INCREDIBLE, and it shows us that the Lord was beginning to fulfill His promise.

I don’t know what your life might look like today, but I do know that as a believer you have been given EXCEEDINGLY PRECIOUS PROMISES by the Lord; promises of an eternal future in heaven, of a world restored and sinless, and so many other things. Often when we look at our surroundings, these promises can seem like impossibilities. They seem so far off, and so out of reach. It is easy to get discouraged when we are looking with human eyes!

Think about what it must have looked like to Abraham… It was just he and Sarah, no one else. No children, no anything!!! Yet God was faithful, and Abraham believed the promise! Don’t lose heart, follow the example of Abraham. Though you may never see it, God is at work, and He will accomplish all He has promised!

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