Monday, December 18, 2006

Leviticus 16

The Day of Atonement was the most important date on the Hebrew Calendar. This was the day that the High Priest would be allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies and be at the center of God's presence.

What a beautiful seen we see. Here we are at the place of atonement (where sin is covered). Aaron would have to first make himself clean. He would then make his family clean. Finally, Aaron would make the entire congregation clean. Whenever you are blessed with the opportunity to speak into someone's life, first examine yourself. Examine those you are around the most. Finally, share in the cleansing with someone else. Aaron offered three offerings, all three applied to him. Leaders must examine themselves time and time again to make sure they are walking right with the Lord.

Let us take a look at the Day of Atonement. Aaron would enter into the Holy of Holies. This was the place of God's presence. It would be only himself and the Lord. I challenge all of you to find a place where it is only you and the Lord. This is the sweetest time you can have. Think of how the rest of the Jews felt. There was Aaron, one on one with the Lord. They could not enter even if they wanted to. A curtain separated them from the Holy of Holies, but even more, sin separated them. Could you imagine just wanting to hear the conversation going on.

Guess what! Jesus has made a way for us to enter that same place Aaron did everyday. We can enter into the Lord's presence. When Jesus died on the cross the curtain that separated Israel from the Holy of Holies ripped in two! This showed that now, everyone can enter that holy place. More importantly, sin was dealt with.

Gang, get away with the Lord. Just don't listen to Tommy and I speak about the Lord, get one on one. This is what is so special about the law being broken. This is why the curtain ripped. One on one time with Lord is now given to all!

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