Sunday, December 24, 2006

Leviticus 22

You shall not offer that which has a blemish. For it shall not be acceptable for you.

(Lev 22:20)

This is a very important principle that is echoed all throughout the law. The children of Israel were not to offer ANYTHING that had a blemish. Now this word blemish means a spot, a stain, or a physical defect. Something that is blemished is less than perfect… it is below the acceptable standard.

When I think about blemishes, I often think about the outlet mall. A lot of the outlets that I like sell things for a cheaper price because they are blemished. They may have a cosmetic defect, or a funny seam… something that keeps them from being sold in the regular store.

Now imagine for a minute that you own a huge chain of stores… maybe GAP or OLD NAVY or something like that. You have a friend that you really want to bless, so you decide that you are going to give them something really special. Are you going to dig through your defects pile and look for some piece of trash you couldn’t sell? Would that communicate to your friend that you valued their friendship?

Now think again about your relationship with the Lord. We say we love Him SO MUCH, and that we want to let Him know that by serving Him, by giving Him something of worth. Then we just throw Him our leftovers. Leftover money, leftover time… you name it! Often EVERYTHING ELSE comes first, and then Jesus. Here in Leviticus we are told not to offer anything defective… do you take that directive from the Lord seriously?

Jesus was our perfect sacrifice, no spot or blemish could be found on Him. He has brought us into relationship with the Lord, and showed us how we ought to live. HE IS OUR PERFECT EXAMPLE… and He offered HIS LIFE. You have been made clean by Jesus… if you want to give Him something pure, something without spot or blemish, then offer Him your life. Set yourself apart for Jesus, and serve Him with all you have!

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