Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Leviticus 18

This is a very graphic chapter. I appreciate the fact that the Bible comes out with it and does not try to hide what it is trying to say. For those in the world that often say, "The Bible does not mean homosexuality is wrong," are very mistaken. It is clear, and in fact, goes out of its way to call it an abomination. The word, "Abomination," literally means in the Hebrew, "disgusting."

I do believe it is important to note who this chapter is written to. Here you have Israel. They are a baby nation. They are to be holy (set apart) from all other nations. Now I do not know about you, and this may apply to you, but I can tell when a child has been brought up by parents and when a child has been brought up by friends. When they are brought up by parents they think twice about what they say, they have more conviction, and they realize there is a higher authority. When brought up by friends, they give in quickly, they want to be seen so they always take it to another level, and they have no conviction at all.

Here is Israel, surrounded by nations. Verse 24 says, "Now by all these the nations are defiled." All the other nations are doing these gross, abominable things. Think about your life. You are like Israel, in that, you are growing up. All the other nations is the world you live in. Is the world doing these abominable (disgusting) things? Absolutely, they are. I challenge you to be set apart. Keep yourself pure in all ways. It is socially acceptable (okay with the world) to do many abominable things, however, it is considered evil from the Lord. Be holy. Be pure.

I listen to the radio every morning because it plays in the background of work. I here all these psychiatrists support homosexuals. They even point to the Bible saying, that it was not socially acceptable back then, yet now, should the Bible be written for our current generation, homosexuality would be okay. Guess what? "All the nations" were doing it back then, yet God still called it disgusting. God does not change. Sin is sin. You may be born a sinner, however, as long as the option to be born again is given by God Almighty and His precious blood, there is no excuse why grace cannot conquer sin and mercy triumph over judgment.

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