Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dueteronomy 8

And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger, and then He fed you with manna, which you did not know, neither did your fathers know it, so that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of Jehovah man shall live.

(Deu 8:3)

I love this verse! It is an incredible reminder to us that we are not mere flesh, but we are spiritual beings.Notice the two things that are being compared here. We have BREAD and the WORD OF GOD. The connection that is drawn for us between these two things is LIFE.

Now, bread is used here as descriptive of the basic food that we eat. Eating and life are intimately connected. If I decide today that I don’t want to waste my time eating any more, and I go day after day without food, it won’t take long until the difference it makes in my body is obvious. First I will start to feel hunger pains, next I will grow weak and lack energy. As I continue to grow weaker I won’t be able to do any “normal” things, I will just lie around looking like death… then I will die. Food is essential for life, our bodies depend on it a source of fuel. Our bodies are not self-sustaining, we need outside fuel and regular “maintenance” to keep us running.

Spiritually, God’s Word does the same thing for us. It is essential for us to keep our spiritual man alive. The longer we go without the word of God, the weaker we get. Eventually we will go spiritually comatose if we don’t “feed” on God’s Word.

Here is the big question for all of us… We all notice when we miss a physical meal, but are you noticing when you miss a spiritual meal? Think about that for a little while, hopefully it will make you want to be in God’s Word all the more. I pray that you would realize what a blessing it is to be fed “fresh manna” from the Lord each day!


Anonymous said...

Another important thing that comes from this chap. is that when we experience good times we shouldn't think that our own strength gor us there. "Do not become proud at that time and forget the Lord your god." (vs. 14) an like hec. said, we forget that the lord brought us into these places when we do not get our spiritual food.

Anonymous said...

I never notice when I miss a physical meal, but I do notice when I miss a spiritual meal, it is not a good felling. I try to have time to read my Bible and these DEVOS, but sometimes it is hard to fit it all in, with school, family, friends, baby-sitting. I end up reading about 3or4 DEVOS each week, the ones I do read help me in my life ALOT!!! Thank you Tommy and Hector for taking time to write these lessons.

Tommy & Hector said...


I believe everything you said, but I have another question for you that should help add some perspective. How often do you go an entire day and never eat a meal because you were "to busy"? Or, how many weeks have you eaten a total of 3 or 4 meals because of school, parents, friends, etc?

You see, we think of eating daily as a necessity, while spending time with the Lord is merely a priority. Priorities can be bounced due to extenuating circumstances... necessities cannot. However high a priority it is on your list, I think we would all benefit from viewing time with the Lord as NECESSARY.

Anonymous said...

"The Chicken" obviously is a chicken for using their real name

Anonymous said...

To stay consistent in my personal devos,I try doing them before I start my day.I feel like spending time in God's Word should go before anything else.Tommy and Hector,thanks for the devos,They are a great blessing.

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