Friday, February 09, 2007

Deut 6

Deuteronomy 6

Hear, O, Israel. Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. And you shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (Deut. 6:4-5).

I often feel as though I teach the same lesson every time. I cannot help but feel that the entire Bible has its theme focused around this verse right here. It comes down to this; fall in love with Jesus. I can be teaching you all these facts about the Bible, but if I am not in love with Jesus they are just words. I can go to church and work hard all day, but if I am not in love with Jesus it is just the flesh at work. If I am not in love with Jesus then I am in the flesh. If I am following Jesus, then I am in love with Him.

We are to love our Lord Jesus with our all of our heart. Our heart is the place Jesus dwells (If you believe in Him). It is a temple. From our heart comes our ability to show true love. Jesus tells us that our heart is where our treasure lies. This raises the question: Who do I treasure? Is it Jesus? Gang, I invite all of you to speak into my life (Some of you already have!). If you see me doing some sort of ministry, but not out of love for Jesus, correct me. If you see signs of the flesh (Complaining, anxiety, fear) coming out in any ministry I am involved with, take me to the side and talk to me. I want to fall in love with Jesus and I want to serve Him because I love Him. Finally, if any of you need the same thing in your life, feel free to go to me, Tommy, Melissa, Katelyn, Mike, or Sarah.

We are to love Jesus with our soul, or our emotions. Your soul is what makes you, you. Your appearance is but a shell. Your soul is what makes you a spontaneous person, or a cautious person, or a fun person. It is also very dangerous. If you are controlled by your emotions you will go crazy. Allow Jesus to have complete control of your moods. Allow Him to make you happy.

Finally, we want God in control of our might. Zechariah tells us, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.” Follow His Spirit. Give complete control of every part of your life.

Praise the Lord for His grace that continues to pour down! Because of it, we can have a relationship with Christ. There is no longer any veil dividing us. I can fall in love with Jesus. What a glorious life to live for Him and not waste your life on a thrill.


Anonymous said...

Tommy,What happened to the Feb 8 devo?

Hector said...

If you look at the "time posted" you will notice that some are posted late at night. Deut 5 is the Feb 8th devotion. I just decided to post it at 10:36 PM the night before. Great investigating! It is encouraging to know you are keeping track with the schedule.

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