Saturday, February 03, 2007

Nums 36

We have made it through the book of Nums. This closing chapter is a very appropriate summary of what has happened in this book and what will happen in the Book of Deuteronomy and Joshua.

In this chapter, Gilead approaches Moses. Gilead was the chief of the tribe of Manasseh. Gilead is concerned. He is looking at his entire family under him and the rest of the tribe and he is considering the blessing given to them by Jacob in Genesis 48 (Remember Jacob blessed each of the tribes). Gilead has found a problem. If he allows his daughters to marry anyone in Israel, what would happen to the blessing of the inheritence? It would have to be passed on to the other family in whom the daughter is marrying into. Gilead approaches Moses with this problem.

Moses comes up with a solution. He commands all the families to have their young ladies marry within the tribe to preserve the inheritence. I believe this is an excellent summary of Numbers for multiple reasons.

In Numbers, God is giving Israel identity. He numbers them to give them unity. He identifies the different parts of the Levitical priesthood. He is making Israel one nation, broken into distinct groups, all under Jehovah God. Therefore, what does Satan attempt to do in this book? He attempts to bring division. We remember back when Miriam rebelled. We remember Korah's rebellion. We remember when Balaam gave evil advice and Israel was joined to the Midianites. This all caused division.

We can also look into the future! Here is Israel marching into the Promised Land in the Book of Joshua. If they are going to fight in battle they must have order and unity. Once again Satan is going to attempt to cause division.

Now we return back to our text. God is leading each one of us today. We can either give Him our hearts and allow Him to preserve us or we can fall into the traps of the world. Who are you marrying today? Are you being joined to the world? Are you giving your all the Jesus? Dear friend, God has a plan for you that He is not slack in keeping. Trust in Him. Satan divides and conquers. Jesus Christ restores and gives and everlasting inheritence. That inheritence is heaven. When we are the bride of Christ, we receive the great inheritence with Him. What a friend we have in Jesus!

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