Saturday, February 10, 2007

Deut 7

Deuteronomy 7

I was with my mom and she had baked some cookies. For those of you who have never tried my mother’s cookies, they are a very addictive thing. Eating one of her oatmeal raison cookies is not only delicious but has surpassed normal eating, entering into the realm of fun. To say it simply, I love Mom’s cookies. She gave me a cookie to eat. It was warm, freshly baked. I took it, carefully holding the tips as to not burn my entire hand but just the fingertips. Unfortunately (as you cookie experts know) when holding the tip of a hot, freshly baked cookie, the rest of the cookie flops onto the floor and you are left with a bite size tease. It is always disappointing. What did this mean? What would I have to do? Well, my mom casually said, “Not a problem just take another.” So I took another and I ate it.

“The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people, for you were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you…” (Deut. 7:7-8).

God’s nature is to love us. He did create us that we might worship Him. This is true, however, God truly loves us. How do I know this? I know this because He died for me. I know this because He takes care of me. I know this because He told me.

Think about Israel. They must be thinking, “Why did God choose us?” God gives us the reason in our theme verse. He chose them because He loves them. He chose you because He loves you.

I love cookies, because they are supposed to make me happy. Ever go to eat a cookie and it does not taste good? How disappointing! I throw that cookie out. If I make cookies, I can choose what to do with them. If I make cookies and they do not taste good, I throw them out. The creator has the right to do whatever he wants with the created. I make more cookies until I get it right. God does not do this.

We were designed to serve Jesus. Then we fell, like that cookie in my story. We were all of a sudden useless. We could not praise God for we were defiled. Instead of God just going out and making another Hector, He chose to die for me. I am not so unique that God could not make another Hector. I am not so unique that God could not use someone else. However, I am loved. I am loved to the point that God is working in me. We are loved to the point that He would rather bare eternal scares than live without us. Therefore, whenever you judge your brother and whenever you feel you deserve something in this world, realize very quickly that the only reason you can live with purpose is because Jesus loves you. Oh how I fall short of this realization each day! Please, the next time you see me, remind me. Shame on me should I not do the same for you.

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