Monday, February 05, 2007

Deuteronomy 1

Deuteronomy 1

Hey guys. I am sorry about the late devotions - Hector

We are now in Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy means “Second Law.” If you have read the first chapter all the way through (which hopefully you have because this is a commentary and not a lesson) than you recognize that this chapter is oh too familiar. Haven’t we already gone through Joshua and Caleb? Well, Deuteronomy is the law, given to us, a second time. It also gives a more personal account of Moses’ life. You see, Deuteronomy focuses on the last days of Moses, just before the promised land. It does not proceed the story like Numbers did. Instead, it is Moses, giving the history of Israel to the new lads, those who would enter the promised land. Once Moses died, the forty years were up. They would then march in. Moses wanted to make sure they knew where they were coming from and where they were going.

Another interesting fact about Deuteronomy is that it is the book Jesus quoted most. This certainly would give us good reason to study it and good reason to memorize passages from it.

In this first chapter, Moses gives a brief overview of Israel from the time the tribal leaders were appointed until those long desert years. He goes into why Israel has not entered the land to begin with. Take a look. In verses 19-33 we hear of Israel’s refusal to enter the land when God gave it to them. Philippians 4:13 tells us “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” God has given them the go ahead, and the only people stoked about it are Joshua and Caleb. How sad. Gang, follow the Lord’s instructions. There may be giants in the way, but with the Lord, you can do anything. So often, the height and power of your God in your life is the height and power of your own faith. Just praise the Lord this is not the case with salvation. He died for us when we had lost hope and were dazed and confused. Now, He takes the smallest faith and turn into salvation.

Later in verses 42-45, the Lord tells them not to go up to battle. Guess what…they went up to battle. Of course they lost, the Jesus tells us, “Without Me, you can do nothing.” Rely on Jesus. Trust in Him. Have step by step faith, and watch Him work the impossible.

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