Friday, February 16, 2007

Deuteronomy 13

This chapter deals with how the children of Israel were to deal with people who might try and lead them away from the Lord. As it describes the various situations that this might take place in, the judgment is always the same: DEATH. It was a serious crime to be actively, willfully involved in leading someone astray, leading them into the worship of something other than the LORD.

Though we don’t stone people today, it is still a serious offence in the eyes of God when we do something to lead a Christian brother or sister away from the Lord. Remember, in the context here in Deuteronomy, the guilty people were part of the congregation. These weren’t people from the outside, they were people on the inside.

The principle here applies to us. People outside of the church will ALWAYS be doing things to lead you away from the LORD, that goes without saying. The problem addressed here is when a BELIEVER is doing something to try and turn your worship from the LORD to something else. Anytime another believer tries to get you to put something else in the place of the LORD you have a major problem. In the passage we just read, the person was to deal swiftly and decisively with the tempter, and we must do the same. We don’t stone them, we BREAK FELLOWSHIP with them. In other words, we don’t hang out with them, we don’t spend time with them.

I have had times in my life when friends of mine who claimed to be Christians were actively trying to get me to compromise my relationship with the LORD. “Come and do this or that”. “Don’t be so holy all the time”. “What, do you think you’re better than us? Do you think we aren’t good enough Christians?” In every one of these situations the best decision I ever made was to STOP HANGING WITH THEM. The Bible makes it clear, “evil companions corrupt good morals”.

So I finish with 2 questions for you:

  1. Do you have any friends in your life trying to pull you away from the Lord?
  2. Are you a friend that is pulling others away from the Lord?

Think about that, and ask the Lord what HE would have you to do.


Anonymous said...

A traitor is worse that a thousand open enemies.

Anonymous said...

I have had friends that say they are Christians, but when it comes time for church, a bible study, helping out at a church event, they don't want to have any part of it. I feel bad for those people, they claim to be Christain but the Holy Spirit isn't working in their life, because they just aren't willing to let him in. I still pray for those friends even though I haven't hung out with them in a while. I hope that the Holy Spirit is do somthing in their lives.

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