Monday, February 05, 2007

Deuteronomy 3

Deuteronomy 3

“But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him. For he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you shall see” (Deuteronomy 3:28).

We have all heard of the phrase to “pass the baton.” This is something that can be very hard to do. If you have ever watched professional sports it becomes interesting when a superstar for a tam begins to grow old. All of a sudden, though they have contributed to this team for years and been the face of the team, they are on the bench. It has been said that retirement is the point you reach when you have contributed all you can to the company, and now, there is really nothing left to give. Although all these things are sad for the non-believer, it is quite exciting for those who believe.

As Christians we are constantly trying to work ourselves out of a job. I teach you guys that one day you might be the ones teaching. However, unlike retirement, I realize this means the Lord will open up new doors for me. Eventually, He will open up the pearly gates themselves, and new excitement will come over me. Poor Moses did not know the full understanding of this. The promise of heaven, though it was known, was not taught. He did know that death meant he would spend time with God. He also knew that he wanted to be in the promised land. Was God being strict not letting him in? No. God was setting an example, that those who sin cannot lead people into a land of promise.

Moses now had a new job. A new door had been open, and it was called, “Build up Joshua.” This would be the last remaining task for him on earth and it was important. All these years Moses had been being built up to lead Israel. Now he was to hand that to Joshua that he might lead them. Although this must have been hard at times, what a privilege it was to give to Joshua what the Lord had given to him. If you know the Lord has called someone into your life to look up to you, you invest in them. I am sure there were times where Joshua did not want to listen. I am sure there were times where Joshua taught Moses. Nevertheless, Moses was to invest in Joshua. Likewise, if you are in a place of being built up, you allow a godly person to build you up. You take there council in humility. Finally, if you are a Christian both of these things should be happening in your life right now.

We have a leader who was sinless. We have Jesus Christ, the leader who should most effect our lives (and that is an understatement). As we journey through life hold on to that hope of heaven. Unlike Israel, our leader has not sinned. He was and is perfect. Think of heaven. Do not cling to this earth. They say, when you see His face that you can’t help but sing praise songs. I know that, when the time for my ministry is over, I will be so ready to sing along. Until then, have a living hope that this is real. Praise Him in your building up. Praise Him in being built up.


Anonymous said...

Why are there only 30 devos in Jan. dosn't Jan. have 31 days?

Tommy & Hector said...

Good catch David, we must have missed a day somewhere in there...

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