Monday, May 07, 2007

1 Samuel 9

The search for Israel’s king has begun… and the prime candidate doesn’t even know he’s in the running! Saul was out on an errand for his father, trying to find some lost livestock. As the search continued over a span of several days, Saul decides to throw in the towel saying, “The donkeys are one thing, if we don’t return soon my father will worry that WE are lost.” The servant makes a suggestion to try one last thing before returning home. He knows of a man of God that just might be able to help. This man of God is not new to us, he is none other than Samuel, and he has something completely different than Saul’s donkeys on his mind.

Remember what Hector taught you yesterday about the difference between a Theocracy and a Monarchy. Israel wanted to be like their neighbors, they wanted a king just like everybody else. Because they continued to ask, the Lord is preparing to give them a king like everyone else… a selfish, self-serving king, who cares about nothing more than establishing a massive dynasty and increasing his personal treasure room. Saul is a representative of the “people’s choice”. He is tall, dark, handsome, and strong as an ox… from the outside he looks like a GREAT LEADER for Israel. The Lord has spoken to Samuel and told him that Saul is the one… The one that God has chosen to give the people just so they can see what THAT kind of king will do for them. Later on in our studies we are going to see that the Lord doesn’t see the way that we see. Instead, he looks on the heart. God knew what was in Saul’s heart, and it wasn’t pretty. Over the next several days we will see some of this ugly pride start seeping out, showing up in the decisions Saul makes.

As I look at these chapters here in 1 Samuel, there is something that really troubles me. These people thought that they knew what was best for them; they really thought a king was what they needed. They begged and begged for it and the Lord gave them what they wanted… but in the process they lost what they really needed. The reason I say it is troubling is because we can do the same thing. We can convince ourselves what we need and start begging for it… and perhaps the Lord will give it to us. The problem is that the thing we so badly WANTED might end up keeping us from the thing we really NEED. The Lord knows what is best for us, and He has promised to take care of us… why don’t we trust Him? So the next you catch yourself crying for the things of the world, stop and remember Israel… do you really want God to give what you want? Don’t reach for the “people’s choice”, settle for nothing less than the Lord’s best!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So God was doing what most parents have done at one time or another. When we ask for somthing our parents tell us no,we plead a little more and and they give us all the reasons why not and then they say yes. It seems fun at first but after awhile we realize our parents where right. The people are glad God gave them a king, but I bet they get pretty tired of him soon.

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