Monday, May 14, 2007

1 Samuel 16

“But Jehovah said to Samuel, Do not look on his face, nor on his height, because I have refused him. For He does not see as man sees. For man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Sam 16).

Saul has been a complete disaster. As Tommy shared, from day 1 he was focused upon nobody but himself. Therefore God is calling a new king of Israel. Let us look at the different descriptions between him and Saul.

Saul was mighty and powerful – 1 Sam 9:1
David was Young and most likely scrawny (he did not fit into Saul’s armor)
Saul was the most handsome Jew around
2. David was ruddy (of a red complexion) and bright eyed (Implying youthful and innocent) though admittingly good looking.
3. Saul had the highest shoulders and was the biggest Israelite around.
3. David had a heart after God’s own heart.

From day one things were different between Saul and David. David was longing for the Lord, and Saul was longing for the attention of men. This forces me to ask, Am I like Samuel? Do I sometimes walk into a situation and forget to ask the Lord for His perfect advice? If it were Samuel’s decision he would have chosen the first son of Jesse he saw. However, God had a specific plan. God looks upon the heart, and that is what really matters most. The only way to know you are staying on the right path is to know you are following Jesus. There will come times where you will have to make decisions, and these decisions affect the course of the day, week, month, year, and sometimes life! How do we know what is the right choice? How do we continue pressing on in confidence that we have chosen the better way? The only way is to stay focused on Jesus, who is a discerner of hearts. He knows the heart and motive behind every action we do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are we going to the White House? Are we really going to go sometime this summer?

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