Friday, April 27, 2007

Ruth 3

Then she said, "Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day."

(Rth 3:18)

Boaz had the opportunity to redeem Ruth, to buy her back and make her his bride. Before he did this, he had to get things cleared with the one guy who was a closer relative and therefore had the right of first refusal. There was no inheritance for Boaz, no treasure, the only motive in it for him was love. For Ruth, it was everything. It meant security, protection, love, and provision. Boaz could provide Ruth with everything she needed, and he was in no way OBLIGATED to do this. It was his choice.

As the events unfold here, I love the advice that Naomi gives to Ruth. She tells her to “sit still… for the man will not rest until he has concluded this matter”. It applies to us. When it comes to our salvation, there is nothing we can do to earn it. We have everything to gain, but like Boaz… God has nothing but love to motivate Him. WE KNOW THAT GOD LOVES US. And so, like Ruth, we can wait for the Lord, we can sit… knowing that HE WILL NOT REST until He has accomplished all that He has set out to do.

What a picture of love, of pure love Boaz gives us. It is like Jesus! All we must do is lay ourselves at His feet, knowing that He will take care of us, He will see to it that we are provided for. May we learn from Ruth, and the rest that she had as she waited on Boaz. The work is in the Lord’s hands… all we need to do is submit ourselves to Him! Know this today… the Lord loves you, and He is working on your behalf. If you will wait on Him, He will not rest until He has accomplished His will in your life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the story of Ruth in the Bible! It is an amazing pisture of love. I think that would be really cool if they made a movie about it, they made one with Esther so why not one with Ruth?? I love how much courage she had to have had to go to Boaz in the middle of the night and sleep at his feet.

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