Sunday, April 01, 2007

Joshua 23

Joshua 23
All the Things You Cannot Control

An amazing lesson is absolutely useless if no one intends to follow it. This chapter is one of the most amazing lessons in the Bible. Why is so amazing? It is so relevant to Israel. Joshua tells them in verse 6 not to turn aside from the Law of Moses. In verse 11 Joshua tells Israel to love God.

Gang, do not turn aside from the things you have been taught from childhood. Do not turn aside from Jesus. Times in your life will be difficult. Times in your life will not make sense. Sometimes, it will seem that nothing is really happening in your life at all. No matter what, do not turn aside from the Lord. When the rest of the world looks like it has it so figured out, remember, Jesus died on the cross for you. He has saved you from so much. Really, when it comes down to it, I deserve nothing. Think about this. As a servant of the Lord, I do not deserve anything. Therefore anything given to me belongs to Jesus and anything taken away belongs to Jesus. I am to see myself as a sinner saved by grace, and to see my brothers and sisters as children of the Lord.

In verse 12 Joshua tells Israel not to make marriage with the rest of the world. In verse 13 Joshua tells the repercussions for these actions.

Israel slowly became more and more like the world until they were just as bad as the world. They started out by conquering according to what the Lord told them to do. They then stopped conquering the land God had promised them and became content where they were. They then started to want to become like the world by having a king. Later, these kings got married to the foreign princesses. This caused foreign gods to enter Israel. Soon Israel was a slave to idols. Soon after this, they were slaves to Babylon. Guys, Satan is patient. When you compromise a little, it can become huge. Joshua warns Israel. He pleads with Israel. He tells them what will happen if they disobey! Israel still did not obey. Guys I can plead with you. I can beg you. I can warn you and I can reason with you, but when it comes down to it, you make the choices. Do not turn your backs against the Lord. Do not stop obeying His commandments. The moment you stop, is the moment you start to walk the wide path. Do not be content when the Lord wants to move you on.

In verse 14-15 Joshua talks about our faithful Lord and His promises. He always completes them. I am learning more and more each day to hold on to the promises of God. You have been taught from youth the things of the Lord and the promises of God, hold on to them. He will not let you down. Israel failed to do this. They ended up going the ways of the world. No one can force you to love Jesus. People cannot be controlled. I cannot control you. Your pastor cannot control you. Your parents cannot completely control you. Finally, God will not control you. As we read this chapter we are faced with the same choice Israel was faced with, follow God or go our own direction. Pray that I will stop complaining about the circumstances in my life, because I want to follow Jesus. He is everything I do not deserve, therefore contentment is not the right circumstance, it is Jesus.

1 comment:

Kristen Ferrante said...

It is so important to realize that we have nothing except what God gives us. Recently, I was struggling with thinking I was better than others. I finally just sat back and realized that I am a wretched sinner saved by grace and that is it! The chorus of this song about God's love really spoke to me.
This is love
Shameless and Undying
This is love
Unselfish sacrifice
Finding something good
Where others never would
This is love

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