"Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin.
(Deu 24:16)
Just who’s fault is it when you sin? Is it Adam’s fault? Maybe Eve’s? Is it your Father’s fault? Or your Mother’s? Is it a result of your genetic makeup? Is it because of the environment you were raised in? Is it because of the way your friends behave?
According to the word of God, none of those things matter. When He looks at sin, He is going to be concerned with one person only… the one who committed the sin. I’ve heard people on TV try and blame horrendous deeds on the unloving environment they grew up in. I’ve heard others blame an addiction to drugs or alcohol on the addictions of their father. I’ve heard of men and women who did awful things that claim they only did them because their children drove them to that point.
We are a society that is full of people who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. We always want to find someone to blame for OUR shortcomings. Some blame individuals, some blame the system, others blame the Devil or his demons. It has been like this since the very beginning, when sin first entered the world. Neither Adam nor Eve wanted to accept responsibility. Who did God punish in the Garden of Eden? Each person for the part they played, “each one for his own sin”. God is gonna be concerned with one thing when you stand before him in judgement… YOUR SIN. The sin that YOU committed. The only thing that will save you in that day is you having acknowledged it as your own, and trusted in the sacrifice of Jesus to pay the price.
So today, have you taken responsibility for your sin? Have you confessed to God that you are to blame for it in it’s entirety, that you have NO EXCUSE? If you haven’t, today is a great day to begin.