Monday, June 30, 2008

Psalm 82

Psa 82:1 A Psalm of Asaph. God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.

Judging is a dangerous habit. These verses make it clear that only one person has the right to judge and that one person is God. He stands amidst the mighty and He judges the gods.

There are plenty of gods out there which need to be judged. In our modern day world I immediately think of the media. It is certainly turned into a god. People worship their television and internet. They are constantly needing to be fed more gossip. They take sides with people and judge who is correct and who is incorrect, what is cool and what is not, etc. The television is so easy to get sucked into. There is one thing that is for certain, though anybody may have an opinion, it is only the television analyst's that counts.

The Lord God is going to a put a finish on these false god following cultures. He will put an end to the worshiping of television. He will judge the world and all will stand before Him. As a Christian this will be a glorious day. As a false god, a judge, a non-believer, this will be a day of great fear.

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