Psa 83:13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust, Like the chaff before the wind!
The world can be very intimidating. At times they look like the ones who have it all together. They lift their heads high. They are confident. They walk in and walk out and nobody messes with them. Underneath the layer of pride there is a layer of fear.
The world is likened to chaff. We remember this word all the way from chapter one of Psalms. What is chaff? It is the husk on the outside of corn and some grasses. It is not very nice to eat, therefore in order to rid of it, they would shake the corn in the wind and watch the husk blow off. Wheat naturally does this. Much like leaves falling in the autumn, the chaff will blow off the wheat.
If your life is made up of chaff, the Lord is going to do a huge work in your life. Your going to be shaken until all that uselessness comes off of you. If your life contains no chaff than you are ready for the Lord's work! He will use you for His glory. Examine your own heart. Make sure there is no chaff, only pure grain.
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