Monday, June 09, 2008

Psalm 72

Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, Who only does wondrous things! And blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen.

(Psalms 72:18-19)

We are told here that God ONLY DOES WONDROUS THINGS. This phrase would probably be better translated to read “Who ALONE does wondrous things”. It isn’t saying that God only deals in the realm of things that are wondrous… we know that is involved in ALL THINGS, whether they are WONDROUS or every day kind of things.

There are many works that GOD ALONE can do. These things are described here by David as WONDROUS. This word means that God does things that are wonderful, extraordinary, and difficult. It carries with it the idea that some of the works of God are far beyond the ability for us humans to do or comprehend.

The proper response to the wonderful works of God is to BLESS HIS GLORIOUS NAME FOREVER. The Psalmist, reflecting on these works, pronounces God’s name as blessed, and then goes on to say “Let the whole earth be filled with His glory”.

Now, I can’t do anything to make the earth fill with God’s glory, and neither can you. What we CAN do is let our whole life be filled with God’s glory! If we do that, then we will be able to extend the glorious gift of the presence of God to those around us. God does wonderful things… let Him do those wonderful things in and through you! May your life be filled with the glory of God…

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