Monday, June 16, 2008

Psalm 76

Psa 76:12 He shall cut off the spirit of princes; He is awesome to the kings of the earth.

I am watching the NBA Finals right now. Boston is one game away from winning the championship. When they or LA wins it, the banners will fly, the confetti will fall, and all mayhem will break loose. There will be interviews and the players will ecstatic. You will see total bliss in everyone of those players faces, and come next season, it will be gone.

I would imagine the spirit of a prince to be very much like that. A prince must of felt on top of the world. They were the celebrities of that day. They had it all, therefore, when they went around I am sure they had a certain demeanor. I would imagine it was like winning a championship, every day.

This is the spirit God says He will cut off. As Tommy shared in the last devotion, we worship celebrities and sports stars and lift them up to almost God-like levels. There will be a day when God displays His glory and it will be wonderful. All the pride of man will be made low, and only One will receive the glory. Jesus' name will be proclaimed. We as His children will stand with Him, worshipping Him. What a glorious day indeed when this world's glory is dwarfed compared to the glory of God.

Worship God today. Sing praises to Him. Realize that you have something even the princes of this world do not have. Worship Him.

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