Friday, June 06, 2008

Psalm 71

Psa 71:5 For You are my hope, O Lord GOD; You are my trust from my youth.

Hope is such a key component to our lives. No matter what, we always have a hope for something, somewhere. David directed his hope to God, and continually calls the Lord his only hope.

We live in a very materialistic world. The world advertises that our hopes are tied to the things of this world. The problem with this is, the things of this world will let us down. Hopelessness is such a pitiful state. How do we prevent ourselves from growing hopeless?

1) Remember your condition.
David shares that the Lord is his trust from his youth. If you consider David's rise to glory from the time of his youth to now it would seem pretty significant. David was appointed King of Israel. How often when we are given roles, titles, and power do we start to trust in them rather than God? Keep it simple, you are the same person you were when you had nothing. We owe it all to God.

2) Remember who saved you and how He saved you
You have been resurrected. This is one of the sweetest words in the Bible. You were left for dead, but revived. You get another chance. Nothing should fill us with more hope than the thought of getting another chance despite not deserving it! Live like you shouldn't be living, and praise God for it!

3) You are going to Heaven
I think too often we forget that Heaven is a phenomenal place. It is. That should fill us with hope all th rest of our lives. I know we do not know much about it, but one thing we do know, Jesus is there. Jesus is ultimately all our hope. Remember Jesus, and think about being with Him.

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