Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Psalm 73

There is such a massive difference between the way we see things here on earth, and the way that God sees things. Often our perspective here is LIMITED, and is fixed upon the temporary circumstances that we can observe. God however, always sees the big picture. He knows the end from the beginning, and sees things in a way we simply cannot here on earth.

In this psalm, we see the psalmist wrestling with a question that ALL of humanity deals with at one time or another… “Why do good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people?” The psalmist goes as far as saying that he felt as though his faith and commitment to the Lord was IN VAIN. He tells us that when he tried to understand it, it was just too painful for him.

I have talked to many people who never make it past this point. They can’t get over the death of the innocent at the hands of the wicked, so they give up on the Lord. Praise God the Psalmist didn’t respond this way! We are told that his solution was found in the HOUSE OF THE LORD.

What was it that happened in the Lord’s house that changed things for this man? He was able to see things as God does… from an eternal perspective. There he saw that no matter how much a believer suffers here on earth, he has heaven awaiting him; and on the flip-side, he saw that no matter how much the unbeliever seems to get away with his wickedness, in the end God will judge both the living and the dead.

Friends, there is no pulling a fast one on God, he sees and hears EVERYTHING. God’s patience should never be confused with IGNORANCE or ALLOWANCE. He knows and He cares about ALL that goes on here on earth. One day soon, all wrongs will be righted, and no injustice will go unpunished. Keep an eternal perspective my friends… as Paul said in the letter to the Philippians, “Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in you”.

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