Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Psalm 65

You who still the noise of the seas, The noise of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples.

(Psalms 65:7)

Do you guys remember the story in the gospels when Jesus calms the sea? There is a storm that is raging, and it’s rocking the boat all over the place. The disciples are freaking out, but Jesus is in the bottom of the boat sleeping! They wake Him up, and He stops the storm by simply saying to the wind and waves “BE STILL”.

Here in this psalm we read that this is what God does… He calms the noise of the seas, the noise of the waves… But even more importantly, HE CAN CALM THE TUMULT OF THE PEOPLES. A Tumult is a disturbance or commotion that is typically accompanied by loud noise and shouting. Our whole world is tumultuous, but one day God will cause the whole earth to stand silent.

Guys and girls, our God is SO POWERFUL. The wars, the fighting, and the strife that exists all over our globe will one day cease. God will put an end to it all. One day EVERY KNEE WILL BOW. Why hasn’t that day come yet? Because our God is patient, and He is willing that NONE should perish. He gives plenty of time and space that men and women might come to Him as a choice of their own free will. This patience will not last forever… there is a day coming when the Lord will return, and all the earth will stand silent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does Davis mean in verse four when he says "Blessed is the man You choose."? Does that mean that God chooses who will become saved?

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