Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Psalm 63

Psa 63:3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.

People create beautiful lives for themselves. They work hard, get their break, and buy the best money can buy. They bhave dreams and ambitions and they do a good job fulfilling all of it. Nevertheless, they feel empty. Money, music, fame, a realationship, respect, our passion, all of these fall short of knowing the Lord.

The Psalmist writes, "Because Your lovingkindness is better than life..." Life is beautiful. Without God, it is just hard. To know Jesus and His love is to experience life.

I consider the Amish tradition. As you know, Amish are really strict. They have loads of rules for themselves. They do not use any electricity or any modern technology. They dress in only natural colors, no dyes. Everything they do is to reflect humility. When an Amish boy or girl turns 18 they are given 2 years to do whatever they want. These two years turn into the wildest, most fleshly two years of their lives. The Amish do this that they might experience life and then choose for themselves how they want to live.

Do not deceive yourself. I know most of you. You have not lived the wild life. You have smoked, drink, or been in a messed up relationship. You do not have to. Jesus is better than life itself. If you want to expirience life and freedom and care-freeness, fall in love with Jesus. He is life. The rest is simply bondage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked your guys comments on this chapter.

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