Thursday, May 08, 2008

Psalm 57

Psa 57:7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise.

The word steadfast means to be unwavering. It is one who sets himself on a rock, rather than on the sand. One who is steadfast has made a decision to do something, and is going to follow it to the end. They are persistent, unmoving, and determined.

I sense David was trying to be steadfast. H knew what was right. The world around him had turned upside down. He was hiding in caves, afraid for his life. He likens the teeth of his enemies as spears and arrows . He probably was not feeling steadfast. He was probably thinking that his life was on a very slippery slope!

There are times that we are not going to feel steadfast. We will not feel like that unshakable pillar. Instead you may feel like a kite in gale winds. Nevertheless, look at what David did. In his passion for the Lord he repeats that he will be steadfast. "My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise." It was not necessarily, "I want to give you praise." It was simply, "I will give you praise."

If you are struggling today, give God praise. Do it beyond your own desire to. Make your heart steadfast. Praise the Lord. Make your heart steadfast.

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