Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Psalm 25

Psa 25:1 A Psalm of David. To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul.
Psa 25:3 Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause.

The soul is the sweetest thing the Lord has given you. It is what makes you, you. It is why you are quiet person, or loud person, or somewhere in between. It is your character, the distinctions that form who you are, beyond just your physical looks. The Lord made a specific soul for you, and He loves your soul.

I believe this is very important for us to understand. We are to be made into the image of Jesus Christ, however, we all have distinctions. Though we all be made perfectly into the Lord's image through the Spirit, the Lord would see us all differently because of our souls. Realize that God loves your soul. He loves what makes you, you. He loves the distinction He placed in you from day one. He plans on using it for His purpose. 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 talks about all our different gifts in the body. In between those chapters is the one element that unifies all our gifts, love. Truly to live in perfect love with one another is make our souls one under the head, Christ Jesus.

This chapter begins by emphasisinng the soul. David lifts up his soul as if an offering to the Lord. Secondly, he states we need not be ashamed. If there is any flaw in us to be ashamed it is the guilt of our soul. Our flesh was born into sin. It is always going to lust because of Adam's sin. Our soul is different. It has the option to choose and be conformed. How often we choose, in our soul, the wrong ways. How often, in our souls, we think the wrong thoughts. How often, in our souls, we praise the wrong god.

Jesus loves His creation. Jsus loves you. He loves what makes you, you. Finally, he asks you to bring it before Him, unashamed. Do not be ashamed of you, instead continue to allow it to be a tool in the Lord's hands. The more time you spend with Jesus, the more your soul will look like Him. Therefore do not let shame seperate you from spending time with Christ.

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