Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Psalm 16

I said to the LORD, "You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from You."

(Psa 16:2)

Have you ever noticed that the question people ask is always, “why does God let bad things happen?” I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had an irate person walk up to me and say, “Why does your God do good things to people!!!” The problem is, we think PERFECTION is what we deserve, and whenever anything short of perfection befalls us, we blame God. IT RAINED ON MY VACATION!!! MY CAR BROKE DOWN AND I MISSED MY FLIGHT!!! I GOT FIRED FOR SOMETHING I DIDN’T DO!!! I GOT AN “F” ON MY PAPER EVEN THOUGH I DID MY BEST!!! Why would You let that happen God?! Why weren’t you there for me?!

We have it all backwards. As sinful people living in a broken world, disaster should be the norm. Yet we take it for granted that things will just “go right”. What we need to realize is that EVERY good thing that EVER happens to us is a GIFT from God. In spite of this broken world, in spite of Satan’s desire to destroy, in spite of our own wretched sinfulness; God STILL reaches through and blesses us with GOOD GIFTS every day.

When David wrote this Psalm, he wasn’t sitting pretty; he was seeking refuge, shelter from the world around him. He was very aware of the BAD things going on, but his focus was where it needed to be, the GOOD THINGS God was doing and had promised to do! Remember today that you don’t deserve anything but death, and praise God that rather than giving us our “just desserts” He blesses us with GOOD GIFTS!

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