Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Psalm 18

You enlarged my path under me, so my feet did not slip.

(Psa 18:36)

In this psalm David lists many of the blessings that come with following the Lord. Out of all of the blessings he talks about, the one quoted above grabbed my attention. The idea of this verse is simple really. As David walked through life, he recognized that God was BROADENING HIS PATH and STRENGTHENING HIS ANKLES.

The reason this stands out to me is I have had a lot of problems with twisted ankles; or as this passage puts it “my feet slip”. The fact is I am much more likely to twist my ankle on a rocky narrow path than on a broad paved road. David is commenting here on a beautiful truth. Though his life had brought him through many dangers places and difficult times, as he kept his eyes on the Lord, the Lord was faithful to do these 2 things: To broaden the path beneath his feet, and to give greater strength to his ankles.

The “path” and “strength” we are talking about are not merely physical; like the dangers David faced they are primarily SPIRITUAL in nature. David could have “slipped” in his trust of the Lord as he ran from Saul. He could have “tripped” over the difficult path he traveled, knowing he had been anointed king yet living like a fugitive. David didn’t trip slip or fall in his walk with the Lord because he KNEW that God was with him every step of the way, removing obstacles and giving him the necessary strength.

The same can be true of us… listen to the promise of proverbs 4:12 When you walk, you won't be held back; when you run, you won't stumble.”The prerequisite is simple… listen to the words of scripture and do them; pursue wisdom and understanding. It is through relationship with Jesus that we can walk without being held back and run without stumbling.

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