Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Psalm 12

Psa 12:4 Who have said, "With our tongue we will prevail; Our lips are our own; Who is lord over us?" … the words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times (v.7).

When you seek the truth within, you begin to live a life that honors your deepest desires. –Cheryl Richardson

"We can't expect to have authentic relationships with others unless we trust ourselves first." Manhattan psychotherapist Florence Falk

"If you hear a voice within you say, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint…and that voice will be silenced." — Vincent van Gogh

"There's a huge difference between being awakened to the fact that you exist and being self-centered. You're not self-centered, you just know that you're on the planet now." — Dr. Robin Smith

My goal is to improve who I am as a person. I am doing it for me because I deserve a better life. – unknown

I am so glad Christianity is not about our words, but it is about God’s words. Every quote above (and there are plenty more) are dedicated to “finding one’s self.” Once found, you can then continue to rule as lord over one’s life. The world is so designed that: if you are not asking “who is lord over us” it will teach how to get to that place that you can ask it. Notice, there are three types of people on the earth: the lords and the depressed.

Most likely you will never be the best at anything. I am not the best at anything I know of. Yet, through God’s grace, we are treated to the best every day. We are treated to the best life, the best words, the best song and the best position we could ever hope to be treated to. Every day you and I have the privilege to go before the Lord and read from HIS words! The psalmist says they are like silver tried in a furnace of earth. Pause. SEVEN TIMES! They are pure words. I have had pure orange juice, pure honey, and seen pure gold. Imagine pure words.

It is all about God. To make oneself lord is only pride. You do not need to believe in you. You do not need to speak profoundly. We have the best in Jesus. I do not deserve a better life, however I have one.

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