Throughout this Psalm we see David talking about the “voice of the LORD” over and over again. The voice is our primary means of communication. We can use it to talk, sing, laugh, cry, or even scream. By changing our tone we can communicate the whole spectrum of human emotion; from happy to sad, excited to disappointed, it all can be discerned by listening to the voice.
Sometimes when you hear a person sing you think, “wow, what a voice”. Here we are told that there is NO ONE who has a voice like our God. Listen to the way David describes it:
- It echoes above the sea
- It is powerful
- It is majestic
- It splits and shatters Cedar trees
- It makes mountains and hills skip and leap
- It’s like the strike of a bolt of lightning
- It makes the wilderness quake
- It twist’s the oaks and strips the forest
A voice is a medium that carries a message. We see that God’s VOICE is powerful here, like no other voice on earth. Forget a voice that breaks glass, God’s voice wrecks the wilderness! So the question is, what is the message that the powerful voice of God carries? What is it that God is speaking, singing, shouting, crying out to the world? When God finally uses the full power of his voice, it will carry a message of judgment to a world that has long rejected Him and His ways. But, remember, we looked last week in Psalm 19 at the fact that God has been speaking without making a sound for a VERY LONG TIME. He is speaking through His creation, and through His word. His message is clear… Sin has separated us from Him, but He has provided us with a way to be restored… will you listen to that still small voice? Will you use your voice to carry His message to the world around you? The voice of God carries what we know as the Word of God. Open your Bible today, and listen as that powerful, majestic voice rises far above the voices of this world, breaking up the hardness of your heart, and reaching you with the healing only He can bring. Let God’s voice echo in your heart today, and heed the words He speaks!!!