Monday, February 25, 2008

Psalm 3

Psa 3:5 I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustained me.

David was going through a tough time. His so had turn on him and was trying to take over the kingdom. What was David to do? Does he fight against his own son? Does he give up the kingdom to a wicked man?

In the face of complications and trials, it can be very hard for me to sleep. My mind races when I hit the pillow. David had decision and heartbreak to deal with, yet because he as sustained in the Lord, he could fall asleep at night. For David, the most important thing was his relationship between himself and God. Susatained in that, he would close his eyes and fall asleep.

I do not know what everyone is going through today, however I know my Lord does. If you cannot sleep at night, find peace in the Lord. If you are going through a trial that has your mind racing, just think about your relationship with God. He sustains His children. He puts us to sleep every night, and He wake us up again.

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