Friday, February 22, 2008

Psalm 2

Psalm two is sweet. In it we have our first glimpse of PROPHECY within the Psalms. As David and the other psalmists would write and sing, they would often utter words that were PROPHETIC, things that looked forward to Jesus and His coming as messiah.

Here we have a picture painted for us of the rulers of the world. They are gathered together and they have one common goal in mind… they want to cast off the authority of God and be free from Him once and for all. The Lord’s response at this is to laugh; their plans are absolutely nothing compared to Him.

The Psalmist tells us what His plan is… it is JESUS. Jesus will be salvation to those who trust in Him, but the ultimate end of those who don’t. Jesus is someone you cannot be neutral towards. You either place your faith in Him allowing Him to be your Lord, or you turn from Him and become an object of His wrath. There is no in between, there will be no third category.

The question for us is simple. The world around is constantly trying to cast God out of every part of life… they are choosing to stand in defiance to Him, but what about you and I? Will we trust in Jesus? Will we “kiss the Son”? Will we recognize His lordship and worship Him? These are the questions that ultimately determine our eternal destiny…


Anonymous said...

Isn't today Melissa's birthday? Or was that yesterday?

Tommy & Hector said...

It was Wednesday the 20th... She was sick and I was at the Retina Doctor.

We will celebrate when we are both well.

me, myself,& I said...

I find myself on both ends of this. There are weeks when I'm following the Lord with all of my heart, and I feel so bleesed even through any difficult spots in my life! But then I can completely turn away, and those weeks are always the hardest! I've found the truth is I can't live without the Lord there beside me, when I try I feel as if my life completely falls apart! I'm so glad that even when I have these hard times, I can turn back to the Lord and He will forgive me completely.

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