Friday, August 03, 2007

2 Kings 5

2Ki 5:11 But Naaman became furious, and went away and said, "Indeed, I said to myself, 'He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leprosy.'

People are drawn to a show. People are drawn to televangelists and magic acts and anything that appears supernatural. People have not changed.

In this chapter we read of Naaman. Naaman has leprosy. He is the commander of an army in Syria. He had all the power, glory, and fame, but was cursed with this disease. Naturally, he has been looking everywhere he can to be rid of it. He finally hears of Elisha the prophet. He seeks Elisha, and after sometime finally finds him. Approaching Elisha’s house, he is met by a mere messenger and given instruction to dip in the Jordan seven times. This is all he needed to do to be healed.

Naaman almost missed out on his chance to be healed because he was too prideful. He was looking for Elisha to burst open his door, look upon Naaman, wave his hand, and make all well. Instead he is told to go down to the grimy Jordan river to be healed. Naaman refuses at first. He finds the whole trip a complete waste.

With a little encouragement from his servant he reluctantly goes down to the Jordan to dip. Or course, he comes up whole. Isn’t it sad that we live in a world where people are cursed with the disease of sin and pride? All people need to do to made whole is to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is not difficult! You can do it anywhere, at anytime. Yet, because people seek a sign, they allow eternal salvation to slip by.

Gang, do not give up witnessing. Pray that people would repent, and not be full of pride. Pray that they would dip in the Jordan seven times before they let healing pass by. What a sad testimony Naaman would have had if he just walked away from Elisha and never received his healing. Finally, even as a Christian, have a repentant heart that the Lord may make you more like Him.

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